January 3, 2025

Whats with all these emails offering to build me a new website??

Some of you may have noticed a bushel of emails coming into your inboxes from various “individuals” offering to bid on building you a new website! If you are actually in the market for a new site (or refurbishing your older one from the last 5 years or older), then you may be interested in what these emails have to say. However…. buyer beware. -Check the FROM: email address, does it appear to be a valid company, or does it have odd characters or extensions on their domain instead of the expected .com? -Is the grammar and word usage on […]
August 20, 2024

Where in the world is my web designer??

If you hired a web designer in the last ten years, there’s a possibility part of it may have been built in another country! If you feel like the site is old and needs a refresh, or just needs to have some stuff fixed, you may not know how to reach the old designers! Or, you’re concerned English may not be their first language, or any other host of potential communications issues. I’m happy to say that Lions Mane is based in San Francisco, CA – and has clients ALL OVER the USA, and even some internationally. Web building and […]
June 19, 2024

Do I have to do code and plugin updates on my website?

We get this question fairly often in the web world.  While it’s a pain to have to deal with all this, it’s a real concern, and the basic answer is YES. New updates to code and plugins means that  code vulnerabilities have been discovered and your website needs to be protected against malware, hackers and old defunct functions! How do you know that your website is vulnerable? You can check with your webmaster, or if you don’t have one, we’re happy to check into it for you! If you notice your website has gotten super slow, or gives errors in […]
April 2, 2024

Will you do my SEO??

We get this question frequently, and while we always build in the initial hooks and tools into any new website we build, doing a full SEO analysis and ongoing upkeep is a full time job!  We’d rather stay focused on building beautiful websites, and maintaining them for existing and new clients around the Bay Area, and beyond! HOWEVER – we DO have relationships with several amazing SEO firms that can deliver great services at a variety of packages and prices. It does require an investment of your time and money, but if you’re serious about your Search Engine Optimization (read: […]