New Site: Moose Creek Bookkeeping
October 20, 2021
Why is my Outlook suddenly asking for my GMail password?
December 10, 2021GoDaddy and various hosting companies who use GoDaddy’s infrastructure were compromised recently, due to some really poor management choices. They have apologized profusely, and are making changes to protect against such challenges going forward. If you host your website through GoDaddy, you may want to be sure you change your account and sFTP passwords ASAP! If you don’t know how to do this, just give them a call – they’re very helpful!
When we built our website hosting platform, we made sure that our servers are not only using top-notch security to avoid these exact sorts of problems, but they are constantly being tested, reinforced and updated to be sure that our customer website data is as safe as it can be in that moment, while staying super speedy and easily accesible.
If you’re not sure whether your site is properly secure, you may want to reach out, and let’s talk about how we may be able to help!