WordPress updated it’s platform… again. [sigh]

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WordPress updated it’s platform… again. [sigh]

WordPress has been pushing out platform updates (versions) left and right lately, and usually that means some kind of security update or patch has been applied.

WordPress provides 30% of the websites out in the world today, and it’s a HUGE target for overseas attackers.  Every time a vulnerability is found, WordPress (as an organization) has to update the platform to plug the hole.

Same thing goes for the plugins that people install on their WordPress sites!  Those need updating with regularity too so the site is protected against any new windows the hackers find.

Consider the very affordable WordPress Maintenance bundle Lions Mane offers. We’ll keep an active eye on your site, harden it against malicious attackes, and be sure backups are kept in case something needs restoration after a hack should it happen.  Want to know more? Reach out and say hi!