January 3, 2025

Whats with all these emails offering to build me a new website??

Some of you may have noticed a bushel of emails coming into your inboxes from various “individuals” offering to bid on building you a new website! If you are actually in the market for a new site (or refurbishing your older one from the last 5 years or older), then you may be interested in what these emails have to say. However…. buyer beware. -Check the FROM: email address, does it appear to be a valid company, or does it have odd characters or extensions on their domain instead of the expected .com? -Is the grammar and word usage on […]
April 2, 2024

Will you do my SEO??

We get this question frequently, and while we always build in the initial hooks and tools into any new website we build, doing a full SEO analysis and ongoing upkeep is a full time job!  We’d rather stay focused on building beautiful websites, and maintaining them for existing and new clients around the Bay Area, and beyond! HOWEVER – we DO have relationships with several amazing SEO firms that can deliver great services at a variety of packages and prices. It does require an investment of your time and money, but if you’re serious about your Search Engine Optimization (read: […]
April 26, 2023

You’ve rebranded.. new cards.. new collateral – but your website?

If you’re the kind of business person who went through a rebranding process in your company or your organization recently, then you’ve probably found a new logo, new color or font choices.  You may have had new business cards printed – great! Remember your website needs to be updated to match the rest of your rebranded collateral. You’re welcome to reach out to us to see how quickly we can get into your website (we’ve worked in just about every platform like WordPress, Concrete, Wix, Weebly and even good old fashioned HTML/PHP sites), and get it updated so it matches […]
February 24, 2023

Why are my emails to Gmail users getting blocked??

I can happen to the best of us folks. You send an email to a valid Gmail account, and it may even be someone you’ve emailed with before. SUDDENLY, you get a nasty email back to you saying your email was blocked!! Google (who owns GMAIL) has been cranking down on the security requirements to help reduce spam to Gmail users.  This includes requireing that the domain sending the email, has to have SPF, DKIM and DMARC records set!  These help Google validate that the emails coming in are actually from the domain they claim to be! If you don’t […]